15 February 2010

Quilt Idea

My daughter, Rachel, is turning four soon. She has recently moved into a twin bed and I've been searching for a cute bedding set. I'm leaning towards the quilt bedspread route. Bedspreads fit in the washer better than comforters and they suit our warmer temperatures here in the south.

Bedding sets are expensive. So I had to come up with a cheaper solution. Thankfully, I came across a super cute tutorial on Heather Bailey's website. The tutorial is for these Pop Garden scrap flowers. I have fallen in love with the layers. Gorgeous!
They seem so simple to make and could probably be easily put together while watching a movie or some random TV show about a mysterious island. My plan is to stitch the flowers to a store bought quilt. Like this one from Amazon:

The possibilities are endless. The sheets could be any color because of the wealth of colors in the flowers. Now the hard part, getting this idea out of my head and into my hands. 

What ideas are swarming around in your head? Need some encouragement to get started on something? Get to it--create!


  1. Leah, I love this idea, and we still have yet to make good on our girls craft night to work on some of these flowers. I am sure that after making just a few the rest would be super quick to make. Oh, and I will have the Olympics on for the next few weeks, so all my crafting will be done with that on in the background.


  2. I like random shows about mysterious islands. Islands are cool.

  3. Oops, that was me, your husband...Tim.
