13 February 2010

Trading Up

My girls were giggling like crazy in their room Friday morning. It's Rachel's habit to climb into Sarah's crib when she wakes up. Wondering what the heck was so funny, I slowly opened the bedroom door to find Sarah's crib completely disheveled. It was like an earthquake had only affected a small rectangular area in that corner of the room. Rachel had a look of terror until she saw me laugh.

You see, that crib had been bounced on by two other spunky kiddos. Its screws were stripped and coming out of the woodwork. It was an accident...waiting..to happen. I let out a big "Uh-oh!" and then began to take it apart. It was going to the crib grave yard.

Enter the wonderful Babies R'Us trade-in event. I waltzed into my local store this afternoon. My sweet husband pushed the broken down crib in a buggy behind me. The sales associate checked the brand of the crib and made sure it had "4 sides and a bottom". I met the requirements and was handed a 25% off coupon. The only downside, the coupon had to be used that day. I picked up a new Jenny Lind crib and brought it home. Easy peasy.

What a wonderful thing: I don't have to get rid of a broken crib and I saved money on a new one. So, I'd recommend the Trade-In Event. It'd be a great time to get rid of that stinky highchair or a Cheerio encrusted car seat.

P.S. Hopefully, there will be more little monkeys to jump in this bed!


  1. Yay!!!! I'm glad to know I have some measure of influence on you. . . for better or for worse - in this case for better. I love the way it looks and your title. Total awesomeness.
