10 March 2010

Landscaping Project-Phase I

When I get something in my head, I usually have to do it as soon as possible. Now, I'm not talking about "Oh, I'll do the dishes right now." or "I'll fold this load of laundry." No, I sometimes procrastinate on those duties until there are no more forks or no more socks to be worn. It's just a simple fact. Maybe, it's because I know there will be more loads of laundry to be done or more dishes to be washed. It's a cycle.

However, when it comes to home improvement projects I have to get it out of my system. These projects have a start and a finish. There is an idea, a plan and then I execute. I watch as my ideas are made tangible. I work through any bumps in the road and I (hopefully) get the job done. It's big projects that I'm thankful to have very capable family members. I usually have an idea and they help me make it happen. Or they bring me down to reality.

This is my latest project--my front flower bed. The previous owners thought it would be a wonderful idea to put pebbles and a pebble/concrete mixture down over a plastic layer around the existing boxwoods. No flowers to replant, no weeds to pull. It's softscape and hardscape together...perfect!...for them.

Needless to say, I've avoided this for a while, I just wasn't really sure what to do with that space. I've always wanted some flowers there...something more than the boxwoods. Last fall, I got the urge to do something about it but it was starting to get cold and I knew I was running out of time to plant anything. So I decided to wait...until now. Last week, my plan came together in my head. I sketched out my idea and now I have a plan...kinda. :) I started on Phase I on Monday when the weather was a wonderful 65 degrees. I singlehandedly got rid of 98% of the pebbles in the bed. Well, Rach helped a little. She cheered me on, "Mommy, you're doing a great job." It's just what I needed to get it done. It took two days while the babies took their morning naps but Phase I is complete.

There's a brick walkway under there.

Now for Phase II...doing something with all this.  


  1. Awesome job, Leah. If I lived closer I would have been over in a heartbeat to sweat along side you. Working in the yard is the most fun exercise that I know of!

  2. I know you would! Shoveling is a great upper back exercise.

  3. Can't you just hear the earth taking a deep breath??
