04 March 2010

Finding Joy in this Season

Each Thursday I will post a picture of this current season. What season is that, you say? The season of having young children. My girls are 4 (Rachel) and 18 months (Sarah) and there are times that are frustrating and trying. However, it is my hopes that I will often find joy in this season. As many moms know, this season passes quickly. Too quickly to be bitter and frustrated. Hopefully, I'll look back on these pictures one day and long for the fingerprints on the table, toys strewn around the house, answering 5 million questions and dirty diapers. 

So here we go.This should be fun...

Exhibit A: Cheddar cheese left on the window sill by Rachel to A: save it for later and B: keep the babies from eating it. See, Sarah's begging for it already. It will most likely be ant dinner this evening. 

Exhibit B: My hand mixer beaters. Hey, they kept her occupied for .5 seconds. Who knows if I'll find them when I need them. At least I have this picture to prove that they were on this table at some point. Maybe, they'll find their way back to their rightful home. Maybe, just maybe, I can go put them in their rightful home right after I post this... Truthfully, I'll probably find a dirty diaper that needs to be tossed, dishes that need to be done and a kid that is "just a little bit more hungry". 
Ahh...joy, sweet joy! 

1 comment:

  1. I love it, Leah! It's all about perspective, isn't it?!
